Famous Oil Painting Masterpieces of Leonardo Da Vinci | Artwork Reproductions for Sale
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Leonardo Da Vinci Oil Paintings
Leonard DaVinci was most well known for being a painter, but he was the embodiment of a “Renaissance Man.” He was a sculptor, musician, writer, inventor and so much more. DaVinci paintings are the most recreated works of art, and his painting Mona Lisa is the most well known painting of all time. His other abilities, like his knowledge of the human body and his work with optics, allowed him to paint in a very detailed manner. The artwork of masterfully reproduced oil paintings inspired by such classics as “The Last Supper,” by Leonardo Da Vinci, “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo Da Vinci, “The Virgin of the Rocks,” by Leonardo Da Vinci. Each of these gorgeously recreated oil paintings channels its original creator’s masterful craft, retaining the spirit of both the painter and the painting in an effortless rendering.

The list below is a small selection of the Famous Paintings available….

1) The Virgin of the Rocks, Leonardo Da Vinci, 20 x 24 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $149.00, In Stock! Ships in 1-2 days

2) The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci, 36 x 24 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $448.00

3) Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci, 24 x 36 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $269.00

4) Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci, 20 x 24 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $149.00, In Stock! Ships in 1-2 days

5) Lady With an Ermine, Leonardo Da Vinci, 20 x 24 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $149.00, In Stock! Ships in 1-2 days

6) Female Head (La Scapigliata), Leonardo Da Vinci, 20 x 24 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $149.00

7) Mona Lisa Pre-Framed, Leonardo Da Vinci, 20 x 24 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $378.00, In Stock! Ships in 1-2 days

8) The Last Supper Pre-Framed, Leonardo Da Vinci, 36 x 24 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $667.00

9) Lady With an Ermine, Leonardo Da Vinci, 24 x 36 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $269.00

10) Lady With an Ermine Pre-Framed, Leonardo Da Vinci, 24 x 36 inch canvas, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Price: $428.00

Authentic Hand Painted Canvas Art (Famous Masterpieces) Free Shipping….